Fannie - traduzione in francese
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Fannie - traduzione in francese

Fannie, female first name
de ventilateur      
Fanny Ardan      
n. Fanny Ardan, French Actress


Higher thought
·add. ·- ·see New thought, below.


Fanni|Fanny (disambiguation)Fanny}}
Esempi di pronuncia per Fannie
1. equivalent to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac,
HEDGE _ Nicolas Colin _ Talks at Google
2. on reforming Fannie and Freddie.
Hank - 5 Years from the Brink _ Secretary Hank Paulson _ Talks at Google
3. with Fannie Mae and later Freddie Mac.
HEDGE _ Nicolas Colin _ Talks at Google
4. and fannies about with the press releases.
Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)
5. and that explicitly includes Fannie and Freddie.
Esempi dal corpus di testo per Fannie
1. Ce portefeuille était ŕ '0% constitué par Fannie et Freddie.
2. Fannie Mae tr';s pessimiste Męme si la perte trimestrielle est supérieure ŕ celle d‘AIG, la situation est moins noire chez Fannie Mae.
3. Les investisseurs ont des craintes injustifiées face ŕ l‘américaine Fannie Mae.
4. L‘exemple de Fannie Mae devrait pourtant ętre la preuve de l‘incapacité d‘une telle structure ŕ fonctionner.
5. La SEC craint des manipulations de marché sur Freddie Mac et Fannie Mae.